There are many places where outage in main power may damage data permanently. In many cases you must have listen, your home devices burnt out due to over voltage and under voltage. UPS uninterruptible power supply is a device used for protection against over voltage, under voltage provide continuous supply in case of supply outage, protection against voltage spikes, frequency fluctuation and against distortion in voltage wave form. Mainly devices which have severe effect of change in following parameters above and specified limit connect with uninterruptible power supply. Same UPS is used to convert DC energy stored in batteries in AC supply to provide power to AC operating equipment’s of homes during load shedding timings. In such cases, UPS is used to store energy in batteries when main Power supply is available. In country like Pakistan, many people use UPS in load shedding timings. uninterruptible power supply also used in many countries where energy shortage is a main issue. uninterruptible power supply have very core importance for control of sensitive devices such as computers, induction machines, medical equipment’s and many other things. UPS (uninterruptible power supply) circuit diagram, in this article you will learn what is UPS? What is the difference between online and offline UPS ? I have also added practical circuit for UPS in this article.